Covid, My Best Friend and Porch Portraits.
It is certainly a strange time we are all experiencing, I don't need to go into detail here. The virus really hit home when my best friend of 50 years came down with COVID-19. It started March 14th and while we see each other often, we hadn't been together since early February. His situation was beyond critical and he came very close to not making it. As of today he is stable but not out of the woods and I'm sure he will have a long road to recovery. Once all this passes I will make sure I am there for anything he needs. I am extremely thankful my family is healthy including my 2 children and my 87 year old mom. My charity, Flashes of Hope, is about photographing children stricken with cancer and providing the families the photos at no charge. Unfortunately a lot of these kids don't make it but the families will have portraits to last a lifetime. As much as I want to be 'back to work and busy' like everyone else, this is a time when many families are grateful to be together (even if they are almost at each others throats lol). If anyone is interested in a 'porch portrait' let me know. I would be happy to come to you and I have a perfect 70-200mm portrait lens which ensures I don't have to get close to my subjects. Instead of a fixed amount I would be happy to work with each families budget. Stay safe.